This is the second kit in a set of four kits. In this kit, you'll build the 8-bit computer's registers and arithmetic and logic unit (ALU).
You should have already built the clock module from the first kit before starting this kit. This kit does not include a power supply since you will continue to use the one included in the first kit. Otherwise, you will need to provide a 5-volt power supply of your own.
This kit includes spools of jumper wire. Unlike the first kit, you'll need some tools to cut and form your own jumper wires from the spools. These tools are not included: Wire stripper, wire cutter, and needle-nosed pliers.
Kit includes:
4 | Breadboards (High quality BusBoard Prototype Systems BB830) |
1 | Jumper wire kit (Six 25-foot spools) |
2 |
74LS86 Quad XOR gate
6 | 74LS173 4-bit D register |
4 | 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver |
2 | 74LS283 4-bit binary adder |
40 | 220Ω resistors |
30 | Red LEDs |
10 | Yellow LEDs |
5 | Blue LEDs |
10 | 0.1µF capacitors |
Note: Full assembly instructions are provided through the YouTube videos. There is no additional material included with the kit.